techBerri Variation of Current Using LDR Working Science Physics Model

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This is a techBerri handmade complete working model of Variation of Current Using LDR with one page study material to make a suitable projects report by the student. We used Cardboard/Wooden base, Paper, Electronic-Electrical Components, Mechanical & Scientific goods as per the requirement of a particular model.

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The experiment made by techBerri “Variation of current using an LDR with Multimeter” is a simple and easy-to-perform experiment that demonstrates the relationship between the resistance of a Light-Dependent Resistor (LDR) and the amount of current flowing through it.

In this experiment, when changes in light intensity by changing the direction of light manually. By measuring the current flowing through the LDR at different values, it is possible to observe the effect of changes in resistance on the amount of current flowing through the circuit.

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