techBerri Charging & Discharging of Capacitor Physics Working Model

Original price was: ₹699.00.Current price is: ₹499.00.

The techBerri charging & discharging circuit charges the capacitor by connecting it to the battery through a resistor and the discharging circuit discharges the capacitor through resistors and LEDs by disconnecting it from the battery and connecting it to the circuit. The two switches allow you to switch between the charging and discharging circuit.

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techBerri Charging & Discharging of Capacitor Physics Working Model: used to demonstrate the principles of charging & discharging of capacitor.

The techBerri Charging & Discharging of Capacitor Physics Working Model is an ideal tool for students and educators to explore the principles of charging & discharging of capacitor. This hands-on educational model demonstrates how charging & discharging of capacitor works.

Designed for school and college physics projects, the techBerri Charging & Discharging of Capacitor model is both educational and easy to use, making it perfect for demonstrating real-world applications of their circuits. Enhance your learning experience with this reliable, interactive model.

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